Knitting Projects DONE!

As the title suggests, this post shall contain pics and information of my knitting projects.

'Mis-matched' socks for DD#2. These origionally started out as mismatched socks, however, because I didn'a pay attention to the starting color on the second sock I accidently made matching socks. The first sock was started and completed in November but got side tracked with Christmas monkeys. I started and completed her second sock in January, however, it was too big so it became my sock. I now need to make my second sock.
Yarn: premier yarns, Deborah Norville Collection, Serenity Sock Yarn, Surf color
Needles: Takumi Bamboo DPN #2
Size: Medium socks
Pattern: Tall or Short, Socks to Go, Leisure Arts Little Books
Other info: Cuff is Seed ribbing; One toe is a gathered closed toe; Other is Grafted.
Comments: DD#3 likes cuffs to go over the ankle bone. Since I bind off tightly, top down always. First time turning the heel was confusing. Just follow the instructions. Watch videos if possible.
Turning the heel
Grafting/kitchener stitch


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