One of my Favorite Podcasts

About three years ago, my awesome big brother encouraged me to start listening to podcasts.  The first one I binged on was Night Vale and slowly built my podcast library to include more than 200.  My listening tastes lean heavily towards comedy and true crime.  I have also discovered that I don't really like the podcasts that utilize the conversational style.  I prefer narration or story telling style. Like Mike Rowe.  Ah....Mike Rowe. His voice is so, delicious and dreamy. I have intentionally fallen asleep listening to him telling me a story. The whole sleeping thing is for another time.

I have no idea how I stumbled upon Small Town Murder.  I gotta say...Small Town flippin' awesome.  

The two hosts Jimmie Whisman and James Pietragallo are comedians.  They are soooo not politically correct.  Jimmie and James have no problem poking fun at the criminals, small towns, police and more.  After the first couple episodes I realized this podcast is my secret guilty pleasure.  The hosts start off talking about the stats of the chosen town as well as a bit of history, the slogan (if there is one) and different activities to do, that is if you want to visit or move there.  The rest of the episode is spent discussing the crime in conversational style podcast. 

Yes, I know I said I don't like that kind of podcast. I find that one person 'tells the story' and the other spends the whole time "Uh huhing" or being the "yes" man.  I know that beginning hosts can take several episodes to get the feet going the right way, so I give at least five episodes to listen to and then evaluate what I think.  If I like the way things are going, I'll either keep listening or skip ahead a few. If I still don't like it, I hit unsubscribe.

Jimmie & James pulled me right in. James P is the main guy.  He does a ton of research and telling of the story. Jimmie, well, Jimmie is the funny man. He does contribute to the podcast. Not sure what he may do behind the scenes, but he asks good questions, is a smartass and even contributes information. Although, Jimmie sometimes channels Andrew Jackson. When Jimmie gets giggling, I giggle right along with him. My favorite is when Jimmie is going so hard that he can't breathe. He gets that high pitched voice while trying to talk and laugh. I love it. I have snickered right along with him and wiped away tears which causes passing co-workers to ask if I am ok. I answer the best I can and explain I am listening to a funny podcast.

Jimmie & James also have another podcast named Crime In Sports. According to their twitter page: Hosts...take an unmerciful & hilarious look at athletes who have lost big games...with the law! At the end of each STM, J & J would encourage listeners to check out CIS. Yeah, sports are not for me. Totally ignored their request until I realized I had no more STM and had to wait until J & J uploaded another STM episode. Slight bit of withdrawal. Shrugged my shoulders, loaded the first episode of CIS & prepared to be bored. Because, ya know, sports. I know & care enough about sports to fill my coffee mug. 

Holy. Smokes. 

95 episodes later I am kicking myself for not starting sooner, writing a fan post and preparing to create an iTunes account just so I can say "Following directions" and give them five stars. 

Listening to CIS, I love that I don't need to know about the sport. J & J fill in basic info, happily explain when they know nothing (episode 64) and discuss the sport enough that the listener knows what is going on. Of course, J & J know more about some sports (wrestling, baseball & football) than others (water polo, footy & cricket). 

I really can not say enough about these guys. Both podcasts are professionally done. The sound is great even before they moved to a studio. Being comedians give them the experience of being in front of an audience and that comfort carries through in the story telling. J & J make no bones about their honesty in talking about the crime or criminal. These guys even have some bits of wisdom.

"anybody out there, there is nothing to be ashamed of, if you have a problem, we all have f*ing problems. Recognizing it and getting help is (ok) don't think that you are alone."- episode 40

Of course, right after encouraging everyone to ask for help, they went right back to the crime.

Give these guys a go. Listen to a couple episodes of Small Town Murder or Crime In Sports. Remember, these guys poke fun at any subject (except the victims) so, if you are politically correct at all, ya may not like 'em. After all, they are a**holes, but not scumbags.

So. Shut up & give me murder. (Check out their merch shop!)


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