Monmouth Cap

Some weeks ago I stumbled upon The Dreamstress and she was talking about a year-long sew-a-long. For the first five minutes, I thought I would not be able to participate. Yes, I sew. No, I don't have the space to dedicate to sewing a historically accurate costume. (As much as I would *love* to...) However, The Dreamstress pointed out that knitting would be acceptable also. (Mental head slap) Of course knitted items would work as they knitted them! I was quite thrilled to see that. After signing up on the Facebook page, I spent about five hours screwing around industriously researching possible knitted patterns. After several misleads, bunny trails and child/husband interruptions, I came across my first project.

The Monmouth Cap. The history of the Monmouth Cap can be found here. In a nutshell, the cap was introduced in the earlyish 15th century. The everyday man wore the cap-made from serviceable material. Royalty wore the cap- made from finer material. In later years, the cap was widely used among sailors as it kept the head warm (imagine that!) Captain John Smith (yes, that Captain) even recommended the English colonists include the cap in their kit.

The pattern I used was a compilation of this one and this one. The yarn I used was Lion Brand, Jiffy in Dark Gray Heather, 100% Acrylic. (Yeah...I know...not historically accurate yarn). I have used the cap several times and it is quite warm. DD#2 loves playing with the brim, changing it up, down, leaving one side up and the other down etc...

Things I learned-how to pick up stitches and sl2tog, k1, psso (different way of decreasing instead of k2tog)

I would like to make this hat again. This time doing a provisional cast on as suggested in knitting-and. Should make turning the brim easier. And maybe make a third one so I can felt it.

Brim up
As requested...the facts

The Challenge: Challenge #5: Peasants and Pioneers

Fabric: Lion Brand, Jiffy, Dark Gray Heather. 100%Acrylic 

Pattern: I used a pattern from Jennifer L. Carlson and knitting-and 

Year: Earlyish 15th century to 17th and even later 

Notions: None, zippo, zilch, Nada 

How historically accurate is it? Both patterns used were based upon viewing one of the few surviving Monmouth Caps. From what I could see, when the brim is down, the cap does resemble the cap in The Nelson Museum and Local History Centre
Brim Down

Hours to complete: About five (slow knitter and the first time I picked up stitches)
First worn: As soon as it was off my needles-March 6, 2013
Total cost: $6-for the yarn
Other Monmouth Cap websites :
17th and 18th century knitted caps
Colleen Stitches in Time -SCA
ravelry Monmouth Cap Pattern
Odettes Obsessions
More historical caps


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