Summer Colors in my Garden

My life finally paused enough to grab a few pictures of the plants growing about my yard. There has been some wonderful sunny days and wet rainy days. As a result, tons of plants and flowers are growing all over the place. Warning...this post will be picture heavy and some pictures may be a repeat. No filters. The Spirea hedge growing next to our drive way has lovely white flowers. The hedge has filled out quite nicely. I definitely didn't over prune and maybe should have clipped more. I am thinking of digging some of the roots that are meandering in the wrong direction and handing them out. Looks like some root propagation research is in my future. The back garden has a mix of Alaska roses, morning glory, Columbine, ferns, potatoes. This rose bush is doing battle with the morning glory. Both want the same space. At the moment, I'd say the roses are doing pretty good. One of the many...