Pita Bread

World Thinking Day is coming up and my troop picked Greece as their country. Snack today was our turn, sooooo.... to tackle two birds in the hand, DD#2 and I decided to make pita bread. Of course, we made it last night in preparation of our troop meeting today. On one of my Pinterest boards, I had pinned a pita bread from the Brown Eyed Baker. What a perfect opportunity to test the recipe. Aaaaand (drumroll please) here is the result: This made 16 small pitas. Yes, three are missing. We needed to taste test. Close up of the inside. My thoughts- Taste is fab. Texture, chewy & firm. Sadly, no pocket. Smitten Kitchen recommends spritzing the dough discs prior to baking. Gonna have to try that next time. The girls enjoyed the bread with hummus and decided we needed to use them for Thinking Day. Hmmmm...I'll have to freeze some to see how they taste. Pita Bread Pin (I didn'a take any pictures of the process. I must admit, I was not pla...